Welcome to the best Gladiatus fansite
- Details
- Created: Monday, 06 June 2016 02:25
- Written by Skarsburning
- Hits: 10942016
Hey friends, I have received a number of questions on how you can support me in running the fan site. Here is how, you can donate me any amount you want and it will be put to use in paying for the hosting of the website and implementing more features
Latest website news
- I am regurarly taking care of the website and its updates and security
- It has been a while - Logged in to update the website core
- Updated the website's plugins too
- I am in negotiation with a group of fans who want to volunteer to develop the site with new info
- Added a few suffix and prefix images that were missing (sent from fans)
- Updated the website's plugins
- Implemented Microsoft Azure CDN to help speed up the website delivery
- Changed hosting server to a faster one with m2 gen4 SSD storage and local database
- Overall the performance of the website should be significantly increased
- Added a Translate function to the website which will translate the website actively and is pretty cool! Let me know on my email if there is a language missing! My email on the About me page
- Finally fixed the footer of the website. Not a big deal but good to have it.
- Updated the Website logs with the changes
- Added the Imperator on the front page above the news
- Implemented a Cookie consent form to comply with GDPR
- Added security headers server-side according to best practices
- We finally have the name and stats of the Last boss in the game - Antenocitius from Mona Isle. Check them out. Huge thanks to WladimiraPutina from DE201. Here is a screenshot of his kill. He said it took him a lot of effort to do it on Level 200
- Made some optimizations on the server side for more resilience and security
- Changed the background color of the website to a little warmer color - #D5C19A
- Updated a couple of prefixes and suffixes
- Made some changes on the Events page
- Added a Paypal Donate button to the front page. For anyone who would like to support the running of the website. Thank you in advance!
- Added a number of prefixes and suffixes provided by fans. Sorry for the delay.
- Due to the increased popularity and hits on the Training Calculator and some fan requests. I will be:
- Adding further discount available. Right now the only discount in the calculator is the Training Grounds. People wanted me to add further discount for events, costumes, bunnies etc. I have done this now
- Have some bugs still like: Neptune not calculating properly and the Discounted gold (only optic)
- I am not having luck with my hosting of the website so far as i know had 3 days of downtime without even noticing. I am now implementing a monitoring that can alert me.
- Really sorry guys for the expired SSL certificate causing errors for half a month! I now have an early warning in place for this kind of issues. Really silly of me. Apologies
- Updated the website CMS to the latest version
- Had some issues the other day with the hosting server losing its private IP which lead to several hours of downtime. Hope it won't happened again, i did some precautions
- Added a massive amount of missing prefix and suffix images
- Fan requested to have top constitution suffix category. Did it, turned out only 4 suffixes are notable for having any meaningful % of Constitution (for now)
- Also fixed some mistakes on the Formulas page as well as Items
- Migration is now complete. There was a few hours of downtime on the site due to simple dns mistake on my part. Apologies for that. All should be back to normal now.
- Added a lot of missing prefixes and suffixes thanks to the Prefixes and Suffixes thread in the official forum. Not all have been added as some need translating and I just don't have the time do it so please people if you want to help, give me translated stats in the same format as you see them on the site
- I am planning on migrating the website to a new hosting on Friday (30.11.2018) during the day
- Changed the Expeditions and Dungeon menus on the main menu to reflect the real ones used in the game. Thanks to DarkThanos for the files
- I finally dinged level 120 and fought in the Alpha & Omega dungeon!!! I also immediately created the Dungeon page
- Go check the Alpha & Omega dungeon page
- Updated site CMS to latest version
- Small updates on a couple of pages
- Updated the Desert Nightmare event page with better resolution images
- Fixed mistakes in the Africanus prefix
- Made little fixes to some suffixes materials as suggested by fans
- Added a few more suffixes
- Added a lot of info on the Britannia page
- Updated even more mobs in Britannia expedition
- Updated Brtiannia expedition page with more info on some mobs
- Updated some more prefixes and suffixes
- Added more than 30 new prefixes and suffixes to both pages
- Thanks to fans from DE201 we now have more than 20 ultra high level prefixes! All uploaded to the prefix page
- Added a few more examples of prefix/suffix
- Improved the Underworld page
- Added a few more prefixes and suffixes low levels
- Added 2 new high level prefixes - Valentine and Tiberius'
- Prefixes page is now completely redesigned to match the superior style of the suffix page
- Important! The Materials page is ready. If you want to know what are the best prefixes/suffixes to smelt in order to get a specific material just check the materials page!!! Under each material there will be prefixes or suffixes from which the highest quantity of that material can smelt. Go to the Materials page from the main menu on the left!
- All known to me suffixes are now up on the page and almost all of them have required materials for forge
- Improved the "On the Nile" event page
- Added 166 Suffixes on the Item Suffixes page. Almost done with their material requirements too. There is also a list of Unkown suffixes
- Improved the main menu by splitting it into Main menu and Other menu to split the important ones and not so important ones
- Improved the Foods section in the Items page. Gave some examples when it's not a good idea to combine foods
- Conquering the source of the Rhine event page is fully completed and my most successful yet
- Updated the Conquest for the Source of the Rhine event with more info as the event progresses
- Worked on the Suffix page and added 80 suffixes. 64 for tomorrow to upload