Gladiatus Mercenary
- Details
- Created: Tuesday, 19 December 2017 18:34
- Written by Skarsburning
- Hits: 57490
General Info
In Gladiatus a mercenary is a NPC fighting unit that participates in dungeons and Circus Turma. Mercenary come in 3 types - Tanks, Healers and Damage Dealers.
You can spot them by their Icons
- Tanks
- Healers
- Damage Dealers
Mercenaries are just like any other item in Gladiatus - they come in different qualities. Green and Blue being the most common and very rarely Purple. Insanely rare are Orange and Red are so rare that few have ever been seen. If anyone sees a Red mercenary, please send a screenshot on the email in the About me page.
Here is one screenshot of a Red Druid Master although in foreign language
Where do i get them from?
Mercenary are obtained in 2 ways. One is to buy them from the Mercenary vendor. Lately it is vital way to obtain Mercenary and probably if you are looking for Purple or Orange this would be the only credible source to buy one by refreshing the New Goods using clothing. It is reported that Red mercenaries are also sold at the vendors but they are a lot more rare even than Orange
People usually have more than 300x can just click and waste 200 or 250 of them on refreshing the market and see what it comes out. One example of an Orange mercenary:
Here is a screenshot which proves that even though rarely, vendors can provide current high level Mercenary
Different countries sell different vendors. They are themed for the specifics of the country itself.
Germania's Mercenary vendor sells only the following mercenary:
Bear Warrior
Scorpion Warrior
Axe Warrior
Eagle Wing
Africa's Mercenary vendor sells only the following mercenary:
Sword Wolf
Experienced Archer
Elite Spear Carrier
Medicine Man
Italy's Mercenary vendor sells only the following mercenary:
Britannia's Mercenary vendor sells only the following mercenary:
Chariot Driver
Axe Thrower
The Ranger
Druid Master
The other way to get your Mercenary is the Auction house or guild mates through the Guild Market or the general Market
Mercenary tactics
Link to Mercenary page, describing all of the Mercenary types
There are many types of Mercenary in the game now but there are tactics that are established and well known to be working for years. For example, Samnits are the most popular damage dealer and Grandmaster or Elite Spear are the best tanks or on high levels - healers. I will use Mercs short from Mercenaries a lot. Mercs do not drop from mobs so the only way for you to obtain one is to buy them from the Mercenaries vendor, the Auction House (AH) or the Market. The Mercenaries vendor sells generally lower level of mercs, leaving AH as the more credible source. However, the Mercenary vendor can sometimes spawn Purple or even Orange mercenary. That rarely happens in AH. And this is an advice for all levels - make sure to regularly scan the AH and keep your mercs at the appropriate level to your character. You cannot progress if your mercs are outdated.
Low level - (10-30) At low level there aren't any specific mercs that are preferable to others. Just the highest level you can obtain really. Your own character can be used for either healing or damage dealing. He will not be efficient as Tank. Depending on how good your stats are will determine whether you will be healer or damage dealer. If you are what they call "Twink" (highly geared low level, usually an alt character of a high level player) you might go for damage dealer but if you aren't try healing. At around level 20 try and go for Samnit mercs or Murmillo with as much Dexterity as possible. Samnit and Murmillo are pretty similar, they are both high dexterity damage dealers but the Murmillo is usually with a bit less Dexterity and more Charisma and HP. Murmillo seems to be a bit more suitable for low levels. By the time you defeat Themba in Temple of Perdition which is the first dungeon in Africa and a very big obstacle, everything will start to run smoother. Conditioning of your gear and especially of your weapons is essential even on low level. No need for forging yet so make sure to smelt gear every now and then and collect the forging goods for repairs and conditioning. Early prefixes that are really high in damage are Sugos arond level 20 and when you are near 27-28 start looking for Uróthiens and Raylos items. Some good suffixes early on with + damage are "of Demolition, of Meat, of Martial Arts, of Assassination".
Optimal Mercs
- Grandmaster or Hoplomachus or Elite Spear
- Your character
1 - Samnit or Murmillo or any other high level blue quality damage dealer
2 - Murmillo
3 - Scorpion Warrior or Archer
Mid level - (30-78) If you keep your merc levels high and up to date with your growing character levels and if you gear them up well and keep their gear and conditioning, you will progress easily through all the dungeons in the mid levels. You can keep the same tactic of using your character for healing and using an Elite spear or Grandmaster for tanking. Damage dealers can still be predominantly a mix of Murmillo and Samnit but try to focus on Samnits as you reach level 70. Taliths is the strongest item prefix that you can utilize during your time in the mid levels. Taliths starts from level 55. At level 30,
Optimal Mercs
- Grandmaster or Elite Spear
- Your character
1 - Samnit
2 - Samnit
3 - Samnit or Murmillo
Mid level struggle (78-86) This is a very specific level range. Using this guide, at Level 78 you will feel invincible in your dungeons and always farming the highest level bosses. However, at level 78 you will hit the Zagrash roadblock which is described in this article - Make sure you have top level mercs, weapons with 200+ dmg or more while conditioned and some little twerks described in the guide. Make sure you use Ichorus items but beware of having too many of those as they really lower the HP of your mercs, thus making problems defeating your enemies.
Optimal Mercs
- Grandmaster or Elite Spear
- Your character
1 - Samnit
2 - Samnit
3 - Samnit / high level at least blue Murmillo
High level (90-112) Game now runs at a very slow pace. You have time to prepare yourself for the next dungeon as the next dungeon is usually weeks or months ahead. Also at this level Forging becomes a valuable source of gear and your character will become very very powerful, especially at 102+ when you depart for Germania. There can be a change of tactics here which might become more relevant once you hit 102 and go to Germania and start farming Wrath of the Mountain in Externsteine. The idea is that your character can now be more efficient as a Tank, therefore your own character becoming a Tank and hiring a healing merc to do the healing - Medicine Man preferred. High level Intelligence healer merc with good agility as the healer would need to be strong not only in heals but in survivability.
In terms of items, in early 90s you would want to start replacing your Ichorus items with Antonius or Gaius because of the Critical hit value the Ichorus items are missing. You might have problems maxing your Dexterity on your Samnits if you use only Antonius/Gaius gear so leave 1 or 2 Ichorus or 1 Taliths item to boost your Dexterity. Just be aware of leaving your Mercenary on too low HP because of the Ichorus items. After level 100 you will be able to have Antonius and Gaius items with extra suffixes so it will be possible to accumulate Gaius and Antonius items with Dexterity and Strength, not just pure Antonius/Gaius, and other stats so this is where your Mercenary will become really really powerful and will help you defeat Wrath of the Mountain. You just need high damage, max Dexterity on your Samnits and high Critical hit value. At least 30% each.
Optimal Mercs
- Your character
- Medicine Man
1 - Samnit
2 - Samnit
3 - Samnit
Highest levels (112-∞) This is where you encounter the last dungeon in the game in its normal (Late Revenge) and advanced versions (Alpha & Omega). By the time you run Externsteine from 102 to 112 it's probably years of preparation so you will most likely experience no problems defeating the new bosses but i've seen most players including me make a change in their setup and the change is the character becoming the Tank. The healer now needs to be more tough and is usually performed by a tanking merc such as Elite Spear or Grand Master. The decision to switch to a tank healer is that on higher levels, especially 120+ the mercenary damage dealers start to do such a huge damage that they could easily one shot a healer with a critical strike so players start to choose a tank to heal and although he will heal for less because of his low Intelligence, it seems that the sacrifice in healing is justified for the increased toughness.
For damage dealer we are focusing on Samnits again but in Purple quality Scorpion Warrior becomes really strong (example here) where a 127 level Scorpion Warrior can have 3 stats at 400+ making far more stronger than any Blue quality Samnit/Murmillo. If you come across a Purple Murmillo or a Samnit, use it too, you are lucky!
Optimal Mercs
- Your character
- Elite Spear or Grandmaster
1 - Samnit
2 - Samnit
3 - Samnit
Elite Spear Carrier
Really good Tank with high Agility and Charisma which is what you expect from a tank unit.
Life Points: High
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Low
Agility: High
Constitution: Medium
Charisma: High
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Yes, for Tank on all levels and after level 112 as Healer
Eagle Wing
Low Agility so he is not really useful
Life Points: High
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Low
Agility: Low
Constitution: High
Charisma: High
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: No
This is a new type of merc that looks like an updated and better version of Elite Spear Carrier
Life Points: High
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Low
Agility: High
Constitution: Medium
Charisma: High
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Yes, as Tank for most of the game and as healer after 112 Level
Merc that used to be very efficient as Damage dealer before the Charisma changes but isn't useful anymore
Life Points: Medium
Strength: High
Dexterity: Low
Agility: Low
Constitution: Low
Charisma: High
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Used to be but not anymore
Druid Master
New healer that is high in Charisma and Intelligence
Life Points: Medium
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Low
Agility: Low
Constitution: Low
Charisma: High
Intelligence: High
Useful?: Not really useful
Healer with high health/Constitution and Intelligence
Life Points: High
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Low
Agility: Medium
Constitution: Medium
Charisma: Medium
Intelligence: High
Useful?: Not really useful
Healer with high high Constitution and Agility and lower Intelligence.
Life Points: High
Strength: Low
Dexterity: High
Agility: High
Constitution: High
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Medium
Useful?: Somewhat useful
Medicine Man
Great healer with high Agility and health and high in Intelligence
Life Points: High
Strength: Low
Dexterity: Medium
Agility: High
Constitution: High
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: High
Useful?: Yes, If you are at a stage where you can afford a healing mercenary (usually 102-112 Level) this is your choice.
Damage Dealers
High agility damage dealer is somewhat useful, probably on high qualities such as Blue or Purple and at lower-medium levels
Life Points: Medium
Strength: Low
Dexterity: Low
Agility: High
Constitution: Medium
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Not really
Axe Thrower
High Dex and Strength mercenary that can be useful in high level + good quality
Life Points: Low
Strength: High
Dexterity: High
Agility: Medium
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Could be if high level and high quality
Axe Warrior
High Strength and Health damage Merc. Not really useful with low Dexterity and Charisma
Life Points: High
Strength: High
Dexterity: Medium
Agility: Medium
Constitution: High
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Not really
Bear Warrior
High Strength High Agility damage dealer but low Health. These are more properties of a Tank. Not really useful in combat
Life Points: Medium
Strength: High
Dexterity: Low
Agility: High
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Not really
Chariot Driver
New Mercenary. High in Strength and Agility with decent Dexterity. Could be useful in higher qualities like Blue or Purple but generally not good
Life Points: Medium
Strength: Very High
Dexterity: Medium
Agility: Low
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Not really
Experienced Archer
Potentially good mercenary with high Dex but with high Agility as well
Life Points: Medium
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: High
Agility: High
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Could be good, especially in mid levels (30-90) if Blue or Purple in quality
High Dexterity High Charisma Merc with decent health which is one of the top in the game
Life Points: Medium
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Very High
Agility: High
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Medium
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: One of the best Mercenary out there
Very High Dexterity Merc and the best in the game. Murmillo is very close in stats and ranks 2nd best Merc in the game.
Life Points: Medium
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Very High
Agility: Medium
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Best Mercenary out there
Scorpion Warrior
High Strength and High Dexterity Merc. Probably 3rd best in the game after Samnit and Murmillo
Life Points: Low
Strength: High
Dexterity: High
Agility: Medium
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Useful Mercenary if high Level and high quality. Look at this insane example. It is in Bulgarian but you can guess what the stats are. 3 stats are 400+! Purchased from the Mercenary vendor for 29 and some
Sword Wolf
High Agility Merc. Not useful
Life Points: Medium
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: Medium
Agility: High
Constitution: Low
Charisma: Low
Intelligence: Low
Useful?: Not useful
The Ranger
New Merc. Not useful
Life Points:
Useful?: Not useful
High Dexterity merc.
Life Points: High
Strength: Medium
Dexterity: High
Agility: High
Constitution: Medium
Charisma: Medium
Intelligence: Medium
Useful?: Could be useful if high on stats, level and quality