Gladiatus Expeditions
- Details
- Created: Saturday, 11 June 2016 04:22
- Written by Skarsburning
- Hits: 193719
Gladiatus Expeditions
Expeditions are the most essential part of the game. Fighting in the expedition and trying to defeat and conquer the the boss is adventure of a lifetime.
More about Expedition basics you can find on the Game guide page.
Details about every expedition and the opponents in it you can find on this page so continue reading on
Some facts about the expeditions:
- An expedition consists of 4 opponents, the last one being the expedition boss. The boss can be distinguished by a special frame around his portrait
- Usually 3rd opponent and boss are nearly unbeatable on the current level of the expedition
- Expedition opponent will range in levels and will spawn randomly. For example, attacking Lynx can spawn him randomly from level 2-5. The stats and damage are directly linked to the level of the spawned opponent. If Lynx spawns level 2 it will have worse stats than if he spawned level 5
- Rewards like
Honour and
Experience drop random from a certain range and are not dependent on the level of the opponent. Same for Armour. It is completely random but still within a certain range. Example: How much Gold/Honour/Expeirence an opponent can drop usually varies a lot from its minimum to a maximum. For reward drops + Armour, it doesn't matter if your opponent spawns the maximum level possible, it can still drop you Gold or Honour in the minimal range
- 2nd opponent level range = From max lvl of 1st opponent To max lvl of 1st opponent +3. Example 1st opponent is level 8-9, this means that 2nd opponent will be 9-12 level in range
- 3rd opponent level range = From -1 of 2nd opponent level To max lvl of 2nd opponent +3. Example 2nd opponent is level 9-12, this means that 3rd opponent will be 11-15 level in range
- You can understand the above well if you examine the Expedition spreadsheets here -
- Quality of Item drops is this: 1st, 2nd and 3rd opponent can drop from Green to Purple. Boss can drop minimal of Blue. This makes the bosses good for farming high quality drops like Orange. It is reported that monsters from Dragon Remains (Germania) can even drop Red quality items + Forging tools at extremely low chance
- The first expedition where you could find Orange in the past was Mine's (Germania) expedition boss - Tatzelwurm. Since latest patches people have observed some Orange drops on lower levels. Here is a screenshot of a purple drop from Bear in Grimwood
- The base approximate % of item to drop in an expedition is 10%. It can be increased by variety of methods
- The approximate % of quality drops from high level bosses is: Red - Unknown but has to be 1:10000 as there have only been several sightings. Orange - 1-3%, Purple - 8-10%, Blue - 85-90%
- Expedition points are max 12, 24 with Centurion, 36 with Centurion + Blessing of Apollo, 48 with Centurion + Dis Pater Normal, 72 with Centurion + Dis Pater Normal + Blessing of Apollo
- Activating Centurion grants an immediate boost of 12 Expedition and Dungeon points on what you currently have as well as increasing your max expedition points
- Dis Pater Normal costume activation increases your current expedition points so make sure to spend them all before activating the costume. If this means activate it on the next day after a win in Underworld, that's fine
- If your expedition points are on 0 and you haven't switched on Blessing of Apollo, by doing so you receive 12 points immediately and can continue playing. You can play switching between Blessing of Apollo and another Mercury's Blessings pact every 24 hours to receive extra expedition points
- Expedition points regenerate like this: 1 hour 30 minutes for every point without anything. 45 minutes with Centurion and 15 minutes with Dis Pater normal costume
Choose a Country:
Minimum level: 1, Costs: 1.250
Home is where the heart is.
Expeditions from level 1-75
Minimum level: 20, Costs: 1250
Be one of the first gladiators and proclaim the glory of Rome.
Expeditions from level 20-95
Minimum level: 40, Costs: 3.000
Prove yourself against the mighty Germanic tribes.
Expeditions from level 40 - 120
Minimum level: 120, Costs: 5.500
Subdue the British barbarians and prepare the land for the arrival of the Roman Empire.
Expeditions from level 120 - 200
Expeditions Sorted by Entry level
Link to the spreadsheet - here. Note that this excludes Britannia for now until i gather more information about the country
Country | Expedition | Entry Level | Enemy Levels | Dungeon | Advanced Dungeon |
Italy | Grimwood | 1 | 1-10 | Gustavos Country House | No |
Italy | Pirate Harbour | 5 | 8-17 | On the Run | The Last Resort |
Italy | Misty Mountains | 10 | 15-24 | The Dragon Stronghold | The True Owner |
Italy | Wolf Cave | 15 | 22-31 | The Cave of Dark intrigue | Gioll Passage |
Africa | Voodoo Temple | 20 | 30-38 | Temple of Perdition | No |
Africa | Bridge | 25 | 35-43 | Abducted | Under a Blood-red Sky |
Africa | Blood Cave | 30 | 40-48 | Chamber of Pyro | No |
Africa | Lost Harbour | 35 | 45-53 | Poisoned Country | In the Heart of decay |
Germania | Cave Temple | 40 | 50-58 | Dark Catacombs | No |
Germania | The green forest | 45 | 55-63 | With all its might | Externsteine |
Germania | Cursed Village | 50 | 60-68 | Viking Camp | No |
Germania | Death Hill | 55 | 65-73 | Mysterious Laboratory | No |
Italy | Ancient Temple | 60 | 70-78 | Hidden Grave | No |
Italy | Barbarian Village | 65 | 75-83 | In enemy hands | Zagrashs Fort |
Italy | Bandit Camp | 70 | 80-88 | No | No |
Africa | Umpokta Tribe | 75 | 85-93 | Fairground | Sasama's Last Journey |
Africa | Caravan | 80 | 90-97 | No | No |
Africa | Mesoai-Oasis | 85 | 95-102 | No | No |
Africa | Cliff Jumper | 90 | 100-107 | No | No |
Germania | Vandal Village | 95 | 104-110 | No | No |
Germania | Mine | 100 | 108-114 | No | No |
Germania | Teuton Camp | 104 | 112-118 | No | No |
Germania | Koman Mountain | 108 | 116-122 | No | No |
Germania | Dragon Remains | 112 | 120-126 | Late Revenge | Alpha & Omega |
Expeditions Sorted by Country
Country | Expedition | Entry Level | Enemy Levels | Dungeon | Advanced Dungeon |
Italy | Grimwood | 1 | 1-10 | Gustavos Country House | No |
Italy | Pirate Harbour | 5 | 8-17 | On the Run | The Last Resort |
Italy | Misty Mountains | 10 | 15-24 | The Dragon Stronghold | The True Owner |
Italy | Wolf Cave | 15 | 22-31 | The Cave of Dark intrigue | Gioll Passage |
Italy | Ancient Temple | 60 | 70-78 | Hidden Grave | No |
Italy | Barbarian Village | 65 | 75-83 | In enemy hands | Zagrashs Fort |
Italy | Bandit Camp | 70 | 80-88 | No | No |
Africa | Voodoo Temple | 20 | 30-38 | Temple of Perdition | No |
Africa | Bridge | 25 | 35-43 | Abducted | Under a Blood-red Sky |
Africa | Blood Cave | 30 | 40-48 | Chamber of Pyro | No |
Africa | Lost Harbour | 35 | 45-53 | Poisoned Country | In the Heart of decay |
Africa | Umpokta Tribe | 75 | 85-93 | Fairground | Sasama's Last Journey |
Africa | Caravan | 80 | 90-97 | No | No |
Africa | Mesoai-Oasis | 85 | 95-102 | No | No |
Africa | Cliff Jumper | 90 | 100-107 | No | No |
Germania | Cave Temple | 40 | 50-58 | Dark Catacombs | No |
Germania | The green forest | 45 | 55-63 | With all its might | Externsteine |
Germania | Cursed Village | 50 | 60-68 | Viking Camp | No |
Germania | Death Hill | 55 | 65-73 | Mysterious Laboratory | No |
Germania | Vandal Village | 95 | 104-110 | No | No |
Germania | Mine | 100 | 108-114 | No | No |
Germania | Teuton Camp | 104 | 112-118 | No | No |
Germania | Koman Mountain | 108 | 116-122 | No | No |
Germania | Dragon Remains | 112 | 120-126 | Late Revenge | Alpha & Omega |