Italy Expeditions
- Details
- Created: Tuesday, 14 June 2016 00:43
- Written by Skarsburning
- Hits: 63960
Italy Expeditions
Italy expeditions are the first one you encounter in the game. They include mostly low level expeditions and a couple of higher level ones. The stats on all enemies are without any bonuses.
Grimwood is the first expedition in the game. Do not get fooled by it. It has some fearsome animals. Rat is really weak but Lynx is far stronger and it doesn't scale exponentially. Same with Wolf and Bear. Do not expect to start farming Wolf and Bear anytime soon.
If you believe what the old people say around here, there once lived a very popular king in this wood. The wood`s original name has been long forgotten and is now only known by the name Grimwood. Rumour has it, that this king made a pact with the dark side so that he could continue to reign forever. However, Grimwood is an extremely sinister place, full of wild animals and impenetrable brushwood. Countless numbers of hunters and lumberjacks went too deep into the woods, never to be seen again. If you believe the gossip, the old king took them into his lair so that they could serve him for all eternity...

Dexterity: 3
Agility: 4
Constitution: 2
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 2
Armour: 22-56
Damage: 1-1/2-2
Item level drop: 1-2

Dexterity: 6-16
Agility: 8-21
Constitution: 3-9
Charisma: 6-15
Intelligence: 2-7
Armour: 50-123
Damage: 2-2/5-6
Item level drop: 2-6

Dexterity: 11-22
Agility: 14-28
Constitution: 7-14
Charisma: 12-25
Intelligence: 5-11
Armour: 116-234
Damage: 3-4/7-9
Item level drop: 4-9

Dexterity: 14-17
Agility: 22-28
Constitution: 24-30
Charisma: 22-28
Intelligence: 12-16
Armour: 401-591
Damage: 12-15/15-18
Item level drop: 8-11
Pirate Harbour
Pirate Harbour is the second expedition in the game and it's only 5 levels away. However 5 levels might be too quick.
On the coast in the south-east there is a pirate harbour. There are a lot of shady characters and goods that would be forbidden elsewhere there. Uninvited guests aren`t welcome. Still, many adventurers and nosy people try their luck. Mostly they end up as food for the sharks. But if you bear up against all these pirates, you`ll get exotic treasures.

Dexterity: 22-24
Agility: 30-34
Constitution: 17-19
Charisma: 16-18
Intelligence: 14-16
Armour: 220-286
Damage: 7-9/8-10
Item level drop: 8-9

Dexterity: 18-24
Agility: 31-42
Constitution: 19-26
Charisma: 28-37
Intelligence: 19-26
Armour: 325-459
Damage: 9-11/12-15
Item level drop: 13

Dexterity: 33-45
Agility: 53-73
Constitution: 17-24
Charisma: 19-26
Intelligence: 22-30
Armour: 339-457
Damage: 11-14/16-19
Item level drop: 11-18

Dexterity: 41-46
Agility: 63-71
Constitution: 36-40
Charisma: 47-53
Intelligence: 39-44
Armour: 466-730
Damage: 23-28/26-32
Item level drop: 17-20
Misty Mountains
Pirate Harbour is the third expedition in the game and it opens up at level 10 but not really doable at level 10, just like its dungeon.
The highest pinnacles of the Misty Mountains are hidden from the eyes of wanderers, because of the thick clouds surrounding them. Well, it`s not as if many people go around there anyway. It is a dangerous area, not only because of the dangers from the mountains themselves, but also because it is said that there are monsters in the caves in the southern slopes - the sort longing for human meat...

Dexterity: 30-32
Agility: 42-44
Constitution: 42-44
Charisma: 26-28
Intelligence: 21-22
Armour: 500-607
Damage: 13-19/17-21
Item level drop: 13-19

Dexterity: 36-42
Agility: 67-79
Constitution: 35-41
Charisma: 56-66
Intelligence: 28-34
Armour: 607-753
Damage: 19-24/22-27
Item level drop: 15-19

Dexterity: 58-71
Agility: 44-53
Constitution: 46-57
Charisma: 94-115
Intelligence: 14-17
Armour: 750-1433
Damage: 22-27/27-33
Item level drop: 16-25

Dexterity: 82-86
Agility: 100-104
Constitution: 52-55
Charisma: 115-120
Intelligence: 52-55
Armour: 1405-1708
Damage: 33-41/35-43
Item level drop: 18-27
Wolf Cave
Wolf Cave is the fourth expedition in the game and it allows you to enter at level 15.
In the hills south of the barbarian village there is a cave system that is called wolf cave by the townsfolk. As the name suggests, a large pack of wolves pack live there which often attack the surrounding farms during harsh winters. Some say this wolf pack is led by a large white wolf, but that may merely be the idle chitchat of simple farmers.

Dexterity: 33-34
Agility: 46-48
Constitution: 57-59
Charisma: 46-48
Intelligence: 13
Armour: 2018-2524
Damage: 40-49/42-52
Item level drop: 19-27

Dexterity: 80-91
Agility: 96-109
Constitution: 41-46
Charisma: 64-72
Intelligence: 41-46
Armour: 764-1683
Damage: 42-52/48-58
Item level drop: 27-28

Dexterity: 97-108
Agility: 118-131
Constitution: 52-58
Charisma: 109-121
Intelligence: 46-52
Armour: 1414-1650
Damage: 52-63/58-71
Item level drop: 26-32

Dexterity: 94-100
Agility: 121-130
Constitution: 104-111
Charisma: 142-151
Intelligence: 58-62
Armour: 2749-3077
Damage: 66-82/71-87
Item level drop: 28-37
Ancient Temple
Ancient Temple is the long waited return of our glorious gladiator to Italy. After a long absence you are finally home and it's time for the high level beasts to pay their dues.
It is long forgotten for which God this temple was erected for. Nonetheless, the old, simple ruin still has an aura of mysticism and power. This distant place of worship towers majestically above the lowlands - the wind blows eerily through the old ruins and many animals are nested there. Still - or maybe even because of all this - treasure hunters come here time and again. There is still the rumour that the true treasure of the temple has never been found...

Dexterity: 140-142
Agility: 196-198
Constitution: 140-142
Charisma: 122-124
Intelligence: 70-71
Armour: 5987-7371
Damage: 118-145/120-147
Item level drop: 62-77

Dexterity: 266-277
Agility: 347-362
Constitution: 170-177
Charisma: 149-155
Intelligence: 127-133
Armour: 3146-3768
Damage: 131-161/136-167
Item level drop: 65-80

Dexterity: 146-154
Agility: 127-134
Constitution: 292-308
Charisma: 332-350
Intelligence: 58-61
Armour: 3311-3887
Damage: 179-220
Item level drop: 68-84

Dexterity: 228-234
Agility: 425-436
Constitution: 304-312
Charisma: 372-382
Intelligence: 121-124
Armour: 4980-8778
Damage: 187-229/192-235
Item level drop: 67-86
Barbarian Village
Barbarian Village is an expedition that is second you will see since your return to Italy. Fairly strong enemies and really important dungeons.
In the far east there is a barbarian village where barbarians live who have not yet acknowledged the greatness of the Roman Empire. Because they mug travellers and merchants every now and then, you are likely to find many treasures. As long as the Imperial Legion doesn`t take any steps against the barbarians, going there is still a daring adventure.

Dexterity: 168-171
Agility: 236-239
Constitution: 165-167
Charisma: 157-159
Intelligence: 45
Armour: 3738-4622
Damage: 150-184/152-186
Item level drop: 67-79

Dexterity: 171-177
Agility: 239-248
Constitution: 197-205
Charisma: 266-276
Intelligence: 106-110
Armour: 3303-4026
Damage: 140-172/145-179
Item level drop: 67-82

Dexterity: 292-307
Agility: 218-229
Constitution: 218-229
Charisma: 218-229
Intelligence: 109-114
Armour: 2252-2842
Damage: 228-280/239-294
Item level drop: 70-89

Dexterity: 364-373
Agility: 453-464
Constitution: 324-332
Charisma: 425-435
Intelligence: 178-182
Armour: 5173-6167
Damage: 162-199/166-203
Item level drop: 74-84*
Bandit Camp
Bandit Camp is comprised of deserters, criminals and smugglers from the city. Last expedition in Italy. Once you are done here, you won't return home anymore.
Near the city, hidden in the southern foothills of the Misty Mountains, there is a bandit camp. Bandits, smugglers, thieves and other outlaws bustle around there. Although the imperial legion sent troops there countless times, the camp was reconstructed every time.

Dexterity: 180-182
Agility: 252-255
Constitution: 160-162
Charisma: 140-141
Intelligence: 64
Armour: 6206-7698
Damage: 135-166/137-168
Item level drop: 73-88

Dexterity: 162-168
Agility: 255-264
Constitution: 178-184
Charisma: 226-355
Intelligence: 178-184
Armour: 7817-9515
Damage: 137-168/142-174
Item level drop: 73-89

Dexterity: 415-435
Agility: 493-517
Constitution: 83-87
Charisma: 145-152
Intelligence: 182-191
Armour: 3613-4264
Damage: 242-298/254-312
Item level drop: 77-89

Dexterity: 430-440
Agility: 602-616
Constitution: 240-246
Charisma: 481-492
Intelligence: 223-228
Armour: 5004-6132
Damage: 225-276/230-282
Item level drop: 77-93