Bread and Games For the People

Bread and Games For the People

Bread and Games For the People

Brea and Games For the People





"Ave Gladiators!
It is time to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Gladiatus: bread and games for the people!
From the 29.01. – 04.02.2018 you will receive more gold by the audience, you will have to pay only half the price for food, and you can find special drinks on your expeditions and dungeons!
May victory and fame be with you!"

The "Bread and Games" event includes the following:

  •  5x gold from the victory reward in the arenas
  • 2x gold from the victory reward in the Circus Turma / Provinciarum
  • 50% discount on all food (gold and rubies)

6 special drinks will drop from expeditions and dungeons:

MulsumMulsum - Resets quest cooldown

RebellumRebellum - Adds 1 Ruby

VinumVinum - Resets expedition cooldown

Cervisia Cervisia - 1 day of Centurio

KormaKorma - Resets dungeon cooldown

Henqet Henqet - 4 hour of stable boy salary

Special food drop