War Against The Numidians
- Details
- Created: Saturday, 13 January 2018 01:12
- Written by Skarsburning
- Hits: 5780
War Against The Numidians
Assuri Oasis
The Numidians, led by their King Jubo the first, are threatening our supremacy in Africa.Our most important source of supply, the Assuri Oasis, is the target of their attacks.
If we don't succeed to beat them off, the lifes of thousands of legionaries are in great danger!a
And of course, also the important trade routes through the oasis would be blocked.
There is only one choice:
To your weapons, fight off the Numidians!
The event is an additional expedition with ranking system.
Event Info
How does the event work?
- As soon as the event has started a new expedition area will appear in your menu when you're in Italy.
- Clicking on it shows you the first wave of opponents to beat.
- In contrast to normal expeditions the enemies at the event have a counter, which shows you how often the enemy was beaten by all gladiators on the server.
- This means that the more active you and your allies are, the quicker you will gain the victory.
- As soon as all enemies of the first wave are beaten (= the counter reaches e.g. 1000/1000), the next wave is available to attack.
- At the end there is the leader of the enemies to beat, one single boss, but with an enormous amount of health points which all gladiators have to beat down fight by fight!
- From the start of the event you have 7 days to beat all enemies including the boss. If you don't succeed in that time frame, the battle / event was lost.
Who can participate?
- All players with level 7 and higher.
Additional information:
- The event starts and players have 7 days to finish the event
- If you click on the tab 'Highscore' in the event area, you can see which rewards await you at the end of the event and how you did compared to other gladiators.
- There is a highscore for each enemy, with a reward for best player of each wave of enemies, and one overall highscore.
- The highscore is sorted by points, if you win a fight you receive 1 point, if you lose you receive none.
- Attention: ALL rewards are only given if the event was finished successfully!


Tips & Tricks
- Dis Pater's Normal costume does not boost event expedition points
- Level up does not regenerate event expeditions points
- If more than one players are on the same score, all are receiving the bonuses from this particular ranking, including the Total ranking. Talk to each other!
- Enemy levels are scaling to your character level
- Enemies are very weak
- If you aim for one of the prize rewards or the total, most points are done during Wave 1
When the boss is defeated the event is over and an announcement is circulated around the server